Home » System Center Operations Manager 2007 » Override RunAs Logon Check Failed

Override RunAs Logon Check Failed

The other day I needed to configure a web application check against a web service in a DMZ. This DMZ had its own Active Directory domain with no trust or connection to the internal domain where Operations Manager was installed. One of the criteria of the web application monitoring was to verify that we could log on to the web service. We ran into a challenge when configure the run as account for the web service. Operations Manager is trying to verify the account, as we didn’t have a trust or any connection to the DMZ domain that was not possible. We tried to override only for this account on the watch node, but unfortunately it was all account checks or none.

After some investigation we found that the event generated on the agent (the watch node in this case) included the account that did pass the check.

The solution to this was to disable the monitor for the watch node, then create a new monitor only for the watch node with the same criteria, but with one extra criteria, not to include events where event description includes LITWARE\Administrator. LITWARE\Administrator was the account that we didn’t want an alert on.

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