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How to move your Orchestrator database

In this post I will show you the steps to move the System Center Orchestrator database to a different SQL machine. When I first installed the Orchestrator beta I had SQL server and all Orchestrator components on the same machine, but of course after a couple of days I needed to move the database to a dedicated SQL server.

  1. Stop all currently running and queued instances of runbooks.  This can be done using the System Center Orchestrator Runbook Designer, or the Opalis Integration Server Client, or the System Center Orchestrator web console.
  2. Stop the following services on your Orchestrator management server,
    1. OpalisActionServerWatchdog
    2. OpalisActionService
    3. OpalisRemotingService
    4. OrchestratorManagementService
  3. Stop the following services on your Orchestrator Runbook Servers
    1. OpalisActionService
    2. OpalisRemotingService
  4. Create a back of your Orchestrator database. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the Orchestrator database, select backup from the menu. Choose to do a Full backup to a file, for example C:\TEMP\Orchestrator
  5. Restore the database backup onto the new SQL server that you are moving to.  Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click Databases and select Restore Database. Input the file as devices and Orchestrator as database name to restore to.
  6. In SQL Server Management Studio, add the Orchestrator service Account as Login and configure it to use the Orchestrator database as default database. Also configure the account with db_owner permissions on the Orchestrator database
  7. On your Orchestrator management server start the Data Store Configuration tool, configure to use the new SQL server and a existing database, the Orchestrator database. If you get a warning saying that the data store already exists, click Yes
  8. On your Orchestrator Runbook Servers, repeat step 7
  9. Start all services on your Orchestrator management server, that you stopped on step 2
  10. Start all services on your Orchestrator Runbook servers, that you stopped on step 3

After these steps everything except the web console and the web services was working fine. To get both the web console and web service to work against the new database I simple uninstalled them, and re-installed them. The re-installation took a couple of minutes. I guess there is a configuration file we could edit too, but re-installation is a fast and simple solution.

Please note that this is provided “as is” with no warranties at all.


  1. not working…
    it asks for a Product key after the move / start services / opne Runbook designer
    When I give it in this is what I get:
    Cannot complete this action at this time. Please make sure you can access the SQl server…

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