In this blog post I would like to share an example of how daemons on Linux machines can be monitored with Log Analytics. Monitoring daemons are not listed as a feature direct in the Log Analytic portal, but it is possible to do. When a daemon is started or stopped a line is written in Syslog. Syslog is possible to read with the Microsoft Monitoring Agent and send to Log Analytics.
The only thing to configure is to enable collection of Syslog and the daemon facility.
If the daemon is stopped (the cron daemon in this example) the following lines are written to the syslog logfile
Soon after the same lines are written to Log Analytics as events in the Syslog table
You can now configure an alert including notification when the daemon stops. The alert can, for example, be visualized in Azure Monitor and sent by e-mail.
Disclaimer: Cloud is a very fast-moving target. It means that by the time you’re reading this post everything described here could have been changed completely.
Note that this is provided “AS-IS†with no warranties at all. This is not a production-ready solution for your production environment, just an idea, and an example.
As there is no reoccurring “heartbeat” from a service or daemon, from that perspective it is a bit difficult. If you can measure the delta between a stop/start event, there should be a way to estimate “downtime” during a time window.
Hi, thks for your post ! Did you ever find how to monitor the availability of the monitored daemon ?