Last couple of weeks Vanessa and I have been working with analyzing costs for a Log Analytics workspace. As part of this work, we built a workbook, and of course, we want to share this workbook with the community
The idea with the workbook is to help identify the top data ingestion sources, especially around Computers, to help with optimizing the costs of using Azure Monitor. The workbook has two tabs, one to look at cost based on computer and one to look at cost by data type.

The “By computer†tab visualizes the total amount of ingested data by the server and the estimated data ingestion cost for this data. The price is calculated on a parameter where you input cost per GB. If you select a server, in this example dc01, another table will be visualized to show the amount of data, for each data type, for the selected server. For instance, in the screenshot, we can see that dc01 has ingested 1.13 GB performance data.
The second tab, “By data type†tab, visualize the total amount of ingested data by data type, and the estimated data ingestion cost for this data.
The “Azure Diagnostic” tab visualizes the total amount of ingested data by Azure Diagnostics, and the estimated data ingestion cost for this data.
The “Trends” tab compare data ingestion between two time periods. This tab visualize the ingestion difference between the two time periods and if the trend is decreased on increased.
The workbook is provided as a sample of what is possible. It does not replace current cost management tools or invoices from Microsoft. The costs in this workbook are estimated prices only and are not an official statement or invoice from Microsoft.
Download the workbook at GitHub.
Hi Anders,
Just a small correction – you missed one “zero” in your calculation 🙂
104857600 instead of 1048576000