Sharing dashboards and workbooks can be a bit tricky the first time.
A key thing to keep in mind when sharing workbooks and dashboards is that the user needs access to both the workbook or dashboard resource, and its data source.
Looking at the figure below, we have a dashboard named “Contoso Dashboard†that contains several tiles (colorful boxes). Each of these tiles has its data source (black cylinder). For example, the green tile can show recommendations for Active Directory. Active Directory assessment data comes from a table in the Log Analytics workspace.
The user of the “Contoso Dashboard†then needs access both to the dashboard itself and the Active Directory assessment data in the Log Analytics workspace.
Let’s do an example. In this example, we will share a dashboard and a workbook with a guest using a Microsoft account ( The Microsoft account is not a member of our Azure AD or have any other permissions in the Azure subscription.
Sharing Dashboards
First, we create a dashboard, with only a clock, and share it with the guest account.
The guest can now access the dashboard and see the clock. Essential to make sure the correct Azure AD directory is selected; else, the dashboard will not load in the Azure portal for the guest.
If we add two tiles from Log Analytics, we can see in the left part of the image below that the guest doesn’t have permission to load the Log Analytics data. On the right side of the image below, the portal is loaded with a contributor account.
Once we assign the guest Monitor Reader permissions on the Log Analytics workspace, the guest can load the tiles in the dashboard. The Monitor Reader gives the guest access to only monitoring data in the workspace.
Sharing Workbooks
If you pin tiles from a workbook to a dashboard, the guest doesn’t need to have access to the workbook itself, and the tile will still show data if the guest has access to the data source. If the guest clicks the tile, it is only the specific tile that will be loaded in a temporary workbook. In the example below, the guest only has access to data for one of the tiles.
It works very much the same as sharing dashboards. You need to share both data sources and the workbook resource itself. If you don’t share the workbook item itself, the following error might be shown.
Using only the “Share Report†feature at a workbook will not assign the necessary guest permissions, that must be done on the workbook resource item. In my examples I have used the Reader role on the workbook resource.

You can read more about the different role assignments for monitoring data here:
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