Home » System Center Operations Manager 2007 » Enable ACS forwarding for a group

Enable ACS forwarding for a group

I have seen a number of scripts on the Internet to enable ACS forwarding for multiple machines. Unfortunately they are not always working or they have to many variables to adjust. But, there are two scripts on the Operations Manager CD that you can use, one for enable and one for disable ACS forwarders.

  • DisableForwarding.ps1
  • EnableForwarding.ps1

If you have a custom group, including a number of machines, for which you want to enable ACS forwarding, you can follow the steps below

  1. In the Operations Console, navigate to the Monitoring  workspace, then click the Discovered Inventory view
  2. Click Change Target Type, in the action pane
  3. In the Select a Target Type window, select View all target, then select Computer Group and click OK
  4. Right-click a group and select Open and Command Shell from the context menu
  5. Input C:\EnableForwarding.ps1 <FQDN ACS Collector> and press Enter to run the script (ex C:\EnableForwarding.ps1 ms01.contoso.local)
  6. In the popup window, input Operations Manager administrator credentials
  7. Input cd ..
  8. Input get-monitoringclass –name “Microsoft.SystemCenter.ACS.Forwarder” | get-monitoringobject | ft pathname
  9. Verify that all machines in your group is in the list of ACS forwarders
  10. Input exit to close command shell

If you have your groups in a unsealed management pack you might need to seal that management pack first. There are guides about that here and here.


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