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Find the Orchestrator Administrators group

There are two security Groups after a default installation of Orchestrator, Orchestrator User Group (OrchestratorUserGroup) and Orchestrator System Group (OrchestratorSystemGroup). The OrchestratorUserGroup is the default administrators group in a Orchestrator environment. After installation, members of this group can run the Runbook Designer console and Deployment Manager. With default settings, members of this group have the authority to perform tasks like create new runbook, deploy new runbook servers, deploy new designer consoles, administrate integration packs and global settings. By default this is a local security group in your management server. From time to time I see the questions about how to find this group if you don’t know which one you specified during installation. You can do that in two steps, first get the SID from the Orchestrator database and then run a WMI Query.

Run the following SQL Query against your Orchestrator database

SELECT Name FROM [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Internal].Parties WHERE ID = ‘1’

You will then get a result like


Copy the SID and run the following VB script

You will then get a pop-up showing you the group. With a default installation, using a local security group, on a server named SCORCH the pop-up will look like

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