Home » System Center Operations Manager 2007 » Speed Up Xplatform Discovery

Speed Up Xplatform Discovery

As you might have experience Xplatform component discovery takes a long time. The default value to discover components is set to 3600 seconds, but you can override with a lower value. This is suitable in a sandbox where you want to get the monitoring to work as soon as possible so that you can move on with your other tests.

In the authoring workspace, under Object Discoveries, there are a number of rules to override, for example if you are running SUSE Linux Enterprise 10:

Discover SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Logical Disks
Discover SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Physical Disks
Discover SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Processor
Discover SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Network Adpaters
Discover SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Operating System

If you change the Interval value to 60, it will run the discovery every 60 seconds. Of course this value is not suitable in all environment so please be wise when modifying this. You could also override the interal for computer and operatingsystem to discovery system faster.