I saw an interesting blog post from the Operations Manager product team about Ops Mgr db and reporting running at Windows Server 2008 (Longhorn). Of course I wanted to test that and what is a better occupy on a winter day then try some new technologies.
I already had a Windows Server 2008 RC1 ENT X64 box running so I simple added the Hyper-V role. I installed a new virtual machines in Hyper-V, a virtual machine running 2008 RC1 ENT X64. There was no real issue during the setup of Ops Mgr. The blog post from the product team is pretty accurate about the SQL setup. But I didn’t do any changes to my applicationHost.config files as the blog post tells you to. I first did, but after a lot of trouble with SQL reporting I restored my original file and SQL reporting started to work. I install all components of Ops Mgr and then installed SP1 RC too. The only issue was the AcsConfig.xml permission issue, there is a KB about that problem here.
After I had installed Ops Mgr Reporting and also applied SP1 RC I had to re-run Reporting Services Configuration Manager. I had some problem with the encryption key and also the web service identity. My ReportServer application pool also reconfigured it self during the setup, so I had to reconfigure that application pool identity too in the IIS console. My Reporting configuration now looks like this
-Report Server Virtual Directory
- Name: ReportServer
- Website: Default Web Site
-Report Manager Virtual Directory
- Name: Reports
- Website: Default Web Site
-Windows Service Identity
- Service Name: ReportServer
- Service Account: NT Authority\LocalService
- Built-in Account: Local Service
-Web Service Identity
- ASP -NET Service Account: NT Authority\SYSTEM
- Report Server: ReportServer
- Report Manager: ReportServer
-Database Setup
- Server Name: OpsMgr
- Database Name: ReportServer
- Credentials Type: Windows Credentials
- Account Name: CORP\svc_dra (Data Warehouse Read Account)
-Execution Account
- Account: CORP\svc_dra
Later IÂ had a problem when running reports, I recived “Value cannot be null, parameter name: GroupList”. The problem seems to be with the “Data Warehouse Main” data source. You can edit it from http://servername/reports. It is in the root and it is hidden, but if you click “show details” you will se it. The problem was that the connection string was blank and that the security settings was incorrect.
-Connection string
- data source=servername;initial catalog=OperationsMnaagerDW;Integrated Security=SSPI
-Connect using
- Credentials are not required
I have seen that issue in news groups before so I am not sure that has to do with Windows Server 2008. I think it is because I reconfigure the application pool and interrupt the encrypted content in SQL Reporting.Â
Some word about working with Hyper-V.
Last time I tried Microsoft Virtualization was in some early beta of Windows Server 2008. Virtualization was not very fast in that version. But this version is really nice to work with, installing OS don’t take many minutes, I have tried Windows Server 2003 and 2008 as guests, both X64. I recommend you all you try it in your lab.
As you all understand this setup of Windows Server 2008 and Ops Mgr 2007 is not supported at all, so dont try this in your production environment.
[…] a little bit longer. I did some tests with Server 2008 and Ops Mgr, you can read about them here http://contoso.se/blog/?p=245 — Anders Bengtsson Microsoft MVP – Operations Manager http://www.contoso.se SW> Will […]